HIFU stands for high intensity focused ultrasound and is an innovative, painless and non-invasive way to reduce wrinkles that lasts up to two years and is skin-friendly.
Additional applications include face and brow lifting, tightening of the connective tissue and cellulite treatment.
Thermalift ADDRESS THE VISIBLE SIGNS OF AGING IN MINUTES. Popularly known as Thermage FLX system is a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) therapy that can help smooth, tighten and contour skin for an overall younger-looking appearance.

Zimmer Z-Wave
Made in Germany – First in the Philippines
ZIMMER Z WAVE – treatment for cellulite and for enhancing body contouring.
Significantly improves skin firmness, eleasticity and collagen regeneration.
US FDA Approved and clinically proven & tested.
ZWave is used as a “stand-alone” application or in combination with other, mostly fat reduction methods. In the case of the “stand-alone” application, the focus is generally on improving the skin structure and connective tissue. Typical application areas are, e.g. cellulite, connective tissue weakness (upper arm, underbelly, etc.) and stretch marks (striae). Thanks to the ZWave radial shockwave unit, it is also possible to significantly improve skin firmness, skin elasticity and collagen regeneration. Fat reduction, for example, after CryolipolysisTM or injection lipolysis is also enhanced by using the ZWave. The high energy radial shockwaves scientifically proved to have a large impact on collagen structure and the skin connective tissue, improving blood circulation. It stimulates collagen formation, while the skin becomes more elastic and its firmness is visible after only a few treatments.

Pollogen Apollo
Apollo is a radio frequency device that helps address sagging skin, wrinkles, cellulite, circumferential reduction, and offers the ability to help tone and tighten facial and body skin.

Pollogen Surgen
Surgen is a medical-grade, non-surgical aesthetic platform powered by Pollogen’s revolutionary Hybrid Energy Technology. This aesthetic medical device works with the body’s natural mechanisms to induce the increased production of hyaluronic acid, collagen regeneration and elastin growth. As a result Surgen achieves significant but natural-looking dermal volumising, wrinkle reduction, skin rejuvenation and lifting effects. This unique treatment method facilitates ongoing rejuvenation – so results are enhanced over time and long-lasting!

Emslim popularly known as EMsculpt its impressive muscle toning and fat burning properties and the non-invasive treatment requires zero downtime afterwards. It uses cutting-edge technology to tone your body and help eliminate fat.
Regular RF